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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day Five..

I gotta say that today I've had more energy than I've had all week.  I think my body is starting to adjust to the reduction in calories.  I had to go grocery shopping this afternoon and honestly, that was tough.  My daughter, Ally has agreed to cook several meals a week so that I only have to cook one or two.  She is so awesome. :)  As I was browsing some online cooking sites looking for some quick and easy recipes that she could follow, my mouth started to salivate just a little.  I quickly jotted down a few ideas and turned off the computer.  Heading to the grocery store was also a little rough..I actually sat in my car before I went in and read all of my scriptures out loud! This is the verse that carried me through the store..

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. Romans 14:19-20a

Wow....God is definitely at work in my life..and I'm not about to sabotage it just for a few minutes of happiness in my mouth..

Soo...I made it home with all the groceries and kindly asked my husband if maybe next time I could give him the which he actually agreed! I am so amazed at how God is working this all husband has been more than helpful in whatever I need him to is amazing.  I have absolutely no excuse not to succeed in this..God has definitely put an unbelievable amount of amazing people in my life to help me on this journey..

Tonight was one of the nights that I cooked.  I was surprised that it was not difficult at all to actually felt good to be in the kitchen again.  I love to cook and I haven't cooked since last Tuesday, a day before I started the program. I know it won't always be easy, but tonight it went extremely well..another praise!

I also took another bike ride today!! woohoo!! I rode for about 20 minutes..definitely thought I was gonna hurl as I rode back into the driveway..but I am SO happy that I did it..this is all part of the journey..and I will get back on the bike tomorrow. :)

Another day down..thanking the Lord for his grace in my life..

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